XTONE Pro User Manual

XTONE Pro User Manual

3. Install Driver

<p>Windows PC need to install the <a href="http:/https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0261/3012/0775/files/XTONE_Series_Driver_2020.8.12.rar?v=1604027121/" title="driver">driver</a> for XTONE pro.</p> <p><strong>Step 1.</strong> Install the” XSONIC XTONE Original driver”, after the installation, connect your XTONE Series product to your computer, and if you see this, just ignore all the remain part of this document and ENJOY :</p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/f8aea2f276b2f14e757967a298b9db4f?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p>If you see this, GO NEXT:</p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/4d411e1dbb457e9d20c459625dc0a728?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p><strong>Step 2. </strong>Install the XTONE-Driver(old).exe (XMOS Driver) in the pack.</p> <p><strong>Step 3.</strong> Make sure you have plugged your XTONE Series product to you computer. Then open this in the DFU folder of the pack.</p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/719f7fb39a3725f8cc99ee9b51e16326?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p>The current firmware should be 1.08 or 1.09,and the upgrade windows should show “Device opened.” </p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/48d5755e3227bfa35c2c34a40ed62195?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p><strong>Step 4 .</strong>Click “Browse”, and load “xtone-update-1.1.0.bin” from the pack, then click Start. The upgrade process should be finished in a few seconds.If it shows “upgrade finished successfully, click “exit”. If the process is stuck, re-plug XTONE and repeat this step. </p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/9a249969e3941da432125c6b8d7f3e7e?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p><strong>Step 5.</strong> If the new driver panel shows as the picture below, ENJOY! </p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/f8aea2f276b2f14e757967a298b9db4f?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div> <p>You can set the sample rate as high as you want ,and the buffer size (lower means lower latency) even can be set to 8 samples if your computer can handle. Now enjoy the low latency on Windows! If you prefer a more steady audio behavior than the extreme low latency, please drag the safe mode.</p> <div><center> ![](https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitfile/sign/b463679f90e1164b1c03b481a90e60f4?showdoc=.jpg)</center></div>
