

<p><strong>debuggers</strong></p> <p>数据类型</p> <p><strong>数据类型执行代码</strong> <a href="https://github.com/qianyongjun895/HPIPS/tree/master/OpenMpi-Chain/ompi/debuggers">https://github.com/qianyongjun895/HPIPS/tree/master/OpenMpi-Chain/ompi/debuggers</a></p> <p><strong>设置数据动态库</strong> ompi_debugger_setup_dlls(void)</p> <p><strong> mpi_image_info预定义</strong> typedef struct</p> <p>{</p> <pre><code>/*这里需要的函数*/ const struct mqs_image_callbacks * image_callbacks; /* 基本结构 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int opal_list_next; } offset; } opal_list_item_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int opal_list_sentinel; } offset; } opal_list_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; } opal_free_list_item_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int fl_frag_class; /* opal_class_t* */ int fl_mpool; /* struct mca_mpool_base_module_t* */ int fl_frag_size; /* size_t */ int fl_frag_alignment; /* size_t */ int fl_allocations; /* opal_list_t */ int fl_max_to_alloc; /* size_t */ int fl_num_per_alloc; /* size_t */ int fl_num_allocated; /* size_t */ } offset; } opal_free_list_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int ht_table; int ht_table_size; int ht_size; int ht_mask; } offset; } opal_hash_table_t; /* 请求结构 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int req_type; int req_status; int req_complete; int req_state; int req_f_to_c_index; } offset; } ompi_request_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int req_addr; int req_count; int req_peer; int req_tag; int req_comm; int req_datatype; int req_proc; int req_sequence; int req_type; int req_pml_complete; } offset; } mca_pml_base_request_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int req_addr; int req_bytes_packed; int req_send_mode; } offset; } mca_pml_base_send_request_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int req_bytes_packed; } offset; } mca_pml_base_recv_request_t; if 0 /* 意外消息的片段 (以及它们的标头) */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int hdr; int request; } offset; } mca_pml_ob1_recv_frag_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int hdr_type; int hdr_flags; } offset; } mca_pml_ob1_common_hdr_t; struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int hdr_common; int hdr_ctx; int hdr_src; int hdr_tag; int hdr_seq; } offset; } mca_pml_ob1_match_hdr_t; endif /* opal_pointer_array structure */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int lowest_free; int number_free; int size; int addr; } offset; } opal_pointer_array_t; /* 组结构 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int grp_proc_count; int grp_proc_pointers; int grp_my_rank; int grp_flags; } offset; } ompi_group_t; /* 通信器结构 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int c_name; int c_contextid; int c_my_rank; int c_local_group; int c_remote_group; int c_flags; int c_f_to_c_index; int c_topo; int c_keyhash; } offset; } ompi_communicator_t; /* 通信器中的基本拓扑信息 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int mtc; struct { int ndims; int dims; int periods; int coords; } mtc_cart; struct { int nnodes; int index; int edges; } mtc_graph; struct { int in; int inw; int out; int outw; int indegree; int outdegree; int weighted; } mtc_dist_graph; int reorder; } offset; } mca_topo_base_module_t; /* MPI_Status */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; int _cancelled; size_t _ucount; } offset; } ompi_status_public_t; /* 数据类型结构 */ struct { mqs_type *type; int size; struct { int size; int name; } offset; } ompi_datatype_t; /* 通讯挂载需要的东西*/ void *extra;</code></pre> <p>} mpi_image_info <strong>注释</strong> 与特定可执行映像关联的信息。 在所有 dll 中通用</p> <p><strong>单个进程的信息。 在所有 dll 中通用</strong> typedef struct { const struct mqs_process_callbacks <em> process_callbacks; /</em>这里需要的函数 */</p> <pre><code>mqs_target_type_sizes sizes; /* 流程体系结构信息 */ /* 通讯挂载需要的东西 */ void *extra;</code></pre> <p>} mpi_process_info</p> <p><strong>宏使它透明, 我们正在通过函数指针调用 TV 函数</strong> <strong>define mqs_malloc (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_malloc_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_free (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_free_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_prints (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_dprints_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_put_image_info (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_put_image_info_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_get_image_info (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_get_image_info_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_put_process_info (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_put_process_info_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>define mqs_get_process_info (mqs_basic_entrypoints-&gt;mqs_get_process_info_fp)</strong></p> <p><strong>这些<em>RELY</em> 依赖于功能已经建立了传统的局部变量 i_info 或 p_info</strong> <strong>define mqs_find_type (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_find_type_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_field_offset (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_field_offset_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_sizeof (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_sizeof_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_get_type_sizes (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_get_type_sizes_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_find_function (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_find_function_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_find_symbol (i_info-&gt;image_callbacks-&gt;mqs_find_symbol_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_get_image (p_info-&gt;process_callbacks-&gt;mqs_get_image_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_get_global_rank (p_info-&gt;process_callbacks-&gt;mqs_get_global_rank_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_fetch_data (p_info-&gt;process_callbacks-&gt;mqs_fetch_data_fp)</strong> <strong>define mqs_target_to_host (p_info-&gt;process_callbacks-&gt;mqs_target_to_host_fp)</strong> <strong>特性函数</strong> ompi_fill_in_type_info(mqs_image *image, char **message)</p> <p><strong>从进程中获取指针</strong> ompi_fetch_pointer(mqs_process <em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, mpi_process_info </em>p_info)</p> <p><strong>从进程中获取Int</strong> ompi_fetch_int(mqs_process <em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, mpi_process_info </em>p_info)</p> <p><strong>从进程中获取bool</strong> ompi_fetch_bool(mqs_process <em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, mpi_process_info </em>p_info)</p> <p><strong>从进程中获取尺寸</strong> ompi_fetch_size_t(mqs_process <em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, mpi_process_info </em>p_info)</p> <p><strong>获取指针数组的信息</strong> ompi_fetch_opal_pointer_array_info(mqs_process <em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, mpi_process_info </em>p_info,int <em>size, int </em>lowest_free, int <em>number_free) <strong>获取指针数组的数组</strong> ompi_fetch_opal_pointer_array_item(mqs_process </em>proc, mqs_taddr_t addr,mpi_process_info <em>p_info, int index,mqs_taddr_t </em>item)</p> <p><strong>group_t定义</strong> typedef struct group_t</p> <p>{</p> <pre><code>mqs_taddr_t group_base; /* 在过程中 */ int ref_count; /* 有多少核心被使用 */ int entries; /* 总核心的统计数 */ int* local_to_global; /* 列表信息 */</code></pre> <p>} group_t</p> <p><strong>每个通信器保留的内部结构</strong> typedef struct communicator_t</p> <p>{</p> <pre><code>struct communicator_t * next; group_t * group; /* 列表内容 */ mqs_taddr_t comm_ptr; /* 指向进程内存中的通信器的指针 */ int present; /*验证标记 */ mqs_communicator comm_info; /* 更高层次需要的信息 */</code></pre> <p>} communicator_t</p> <p><strong>mqs_opal_list_t_pos</strong> typedef struct mqs_ompi_opal_list_t_pos {</p> <pre><code>mqs_taddr_t current_item; mqs_taddr_t list; mqs_taddr_t sentinel;</code></pre> <p>} mqs_opal_list_t_pos <strong>mqs_opal_free_list_t_pos</strong> typedef struct {</p> <pre><code>mqs_opal_list_t_pos opal_list_t_pos; mqs_taddr_t current_item; mqs_taddr_t upper_bound; mqs_tword_t header_space; mqs_taddr_t free_list; mqs_tword_t fl_frag_class; /* opal_class_t* */ mqs_tword_t fl_mpool; /* struct mca_mpool_base_module_t* */ mqs_tword_t fl_frag_size; /* size_t */ mqs_tword_t fl_frag_alignment; /* size_t */ mqs_tword_t fl_num_per_alloc; /* size_t */ mqs_tword_t fl_num_allocated; /* size_t */ mqs_tword_t fl_num_initial_alloc; /* size_t */</code></pre> <p>} mqs_opal_free_list_t_pos</p> <p><strong>单个进程的信息、通信者列表、一些有用的地址以及迭代器的状态</strong></p> <p><strong>mpi_process_info_extra</strong></p> <p>typedef struct</p> <p>{</p> <p>struct communicator_t <em>communicator_list; /</em> 过程中的沟通者名单 */</p> <p>/<em> 目标进程中的地址 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_taddr_t send_queue_base; /<em> W在何处查找发送消息队列 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_taddr_t recv_queue_base; /<em> 在何处查找接收消息队列 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_taddr_t sendq_base; /<em> 在何处找到发送队列 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_taddr_t commlist_base; /<em> 在哪里可以找到沟通者名单 </em>/</p> <p>/<em> 其他信息, 我们需要记住它 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_tword_t comm_number_free; /<em> 通信器阵列中可用位置的数目。 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_tword_t comm_lowest_free; /<em> 最低的自由通信器 </em>/</p> <p>mqs_tword_t show_internal_requests; /<em> 显示或不打开 MPI 内部请求 </em>/</p> <p>/<em> 迭代器的状态 </em>/</p> <p>struct communicator_t <em>current_communicator; /</em>简单, 我们走的是一张清单 */</p> <p>int world_proc_array_entries;</p> <p>mqs_taddr_t* world_proc_array;</p> <p>mqs_opal_free_list_t_pos next_msg; /<em> And state for the message iterator </em>/</p> <p>mqs_op_class what; /<em> 我们在看什么队列 </em>/</p> <p>} mpi_process_info_extra;</p>
